

1.01 fl.oz./30 mle 含9,999 純金微粒(360+-10%ppm) , 補充肌膚流失的水溶性必須因子,  協助肌膚恢復活力, 呈現豐潤彈性, 搭配多種珍貴修護精華,  讓肌膚散發亮麗光采     

Energizing Essence
It contains 9999 pure Gold (30nm;360+-10%ppm), helps to protect skin from environmental damage.  It helps to promote skin firmness and elasticity, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, soften dry skin, and delay appearance of aging signs.


0.25fl. Oz./ 7.5mle 結合純金微粒(200+-10%ppm) , 分子町, 多種珍貴海洋精華, 補充肌膚 流失的脂溶性必須因子  , 修護滋養, 使肌膚滋潤緊緻 , 充滿年輕活力