

4.05 fl.oz./120mle 含有9,999純 金微粒(50+-10ppm), 組合成超強水潤複合因子,  預防肌膚過度乾燥 , 迅速補充水分 , 使肌膚細胞水 嫩柔順,  快速水分聚合作用 , 長效保 濕  

Intensive Softening Lotion
It concerned the importance of water to the skin Moisture not only
provides optimum skin transparency and oil/moisture balances. but
also promotes absorption of nutrients of skin care products. It applied 9999 pure Gold into lotion. The individual, luxurious lotion contains
Gold (30nm;50+-10% ppm) that helps skin refresh, long term moisturizing plump and smooth.

煥金活膚洗顏露 管裝

1.21 fl.oz./36mle 天然胺基酸潔淨成分, 溫和洗淨 , 清爽不緊绷 , 含9,999純金微粒(120+-10%ppm),  紓緩肌膚壓力 , 有效深入毛孔清潔                                         

煥金活膚洗顏露 瓶裝

2.02 fl.oz./60 mle 天然胺基酸潔淨成分, 溫和洗淨 , 清爽不緊绷 , 含9,999純金微粒(120+-10%ppm),  紓緩肌膚壓力 , 有效深入毛孔清潔   

Facial Moisturizing Cleasing Gel
It contains 9999  pure Gold(30nm;120+-10% ppm) that helps to removeimpurities,excess sebum and reset your skin to its ideal condition.